The world needs more empowered women šŸŒ¹
Don't you agree?

We need to learn to deal with our pain, love ourselves more, prioritize ourselves without guilt, and believe in ourselves so that we can live our lives to the fullest.

Get your Therapy Journals Now!

4.9 based on 2340 reviews

Therapy journals customers

More than 23 Support groups and Therapists are already using our journals in their therapy sessions.


Hey ā€” I'm Claire, the designer behind these therapy journals.

I met many women and as I listened to them, I saw myself in many of their stories. I have spent many years in therapy for Depression, and I have been through intensive residential treatment for Bulimia, and I have developed a strong passion for those who suffer from a mental health illness.

Journaling has been a very helpful tool for me, and I want to share that life-enhancing tool resource that provides encouragement, recognition & love to women who struggle with mental health issues with others

Envision your best possible self

Therapeutic journaling is a deep-dive is an easy and simple process in order to gain new self-perspective.

It is about delving and writing in a way that helps us to make sense of our internal experiences, learn, and gain new perspectives on our challenges. Writing about our thoughts and emotions enables us to express them in a way that can help work through difficulties and move forward.


Research has demonstrated the therapeutic efficacy of journal therapy for both physical and mental health. According to an article in the American Psychological Associationā€™s Monitor on Psychology, studies "suggest that writing about emotions and stress can boost immune functioning in patients with such illnesses as HIV/AIDS, asthma and arthritis.ā€

Therapists agree that itā€™s one of the powerful self help aides.


5.0 Ā· Oct 5, 2021

I've seen my fair share of therapy journals during the years, this one takes the cake. Looks super comprehensive and it's ACTIONABLE. Definetely using it in our groups!

Jackie S.

Founder of A Contagious Smile.

The 3 biggest mistakes most women make

There are some common mental health mistakes people make whenever they emerge from a tough time. And while we all make mistakes sometimes, itā€™s important to recognize those mistakes so we can create positive changes.

Plus, COVID-19 has brought countless challenges in addition to the devastating number of people who lost their lives because of the virus.

In fact, caring for your mental health right now might be more important than ever. Now that the crisis is beginning to subside, the way you move forward matters.

Here are the 3 biggest mistakes:

  • Mistaking thoughts for facts. We confuse what we think with what is actually "there."
  • Equating strong emotion with deep truth. Women are often unclear about the function of emotion.
  • Over-reliance on past experience. We take experience as a prison instead of knowledge.

These things matter ā€” because they are actively preventing you from truly living our lives to the fullest.


Don't you want to start a new chapter in your life?

  • You'll keep a record of ideas and concepts, or things you learn
  • You'll envision your best possible self
  • You'll track your progress
  • You'll make sense of thoughts and experiences, and organizing them in a meaningful way
  • You'll recognize patterns in thoughts, feelings or behavior
  • You'll get an opportunity for self-reflection
  • You'll get an opportunity to consider experiences from alternative perspectives or practice helpful thoughts
  • You'll even boost your immune system since it's directly related to your mental health.
  • You'll reduce your intrusive thoughts
  • You'll decrease the avoidance of your negative thoughts
  • You'll improve your working memory
  • All you need to do is click the button below and buy the All-in-one journal pack you'll ever need to empower yourself

Get your Therapy Journals Now!

4.9 based on 2340 reviews

More than 23 Support groups and Therapists are already using our journals in their therapy sessions.


5.0 Ā· Oct 5, 2021

Worth every penny! I've searched for a good mood tracker online for a while and this one finally fits my needs! I'm thankful for many blank boxes and lines down below so someone can add their own personal feelings.

Michelle L.


Underestimating the importance of action?

Hereā€™s a crazy thing:

Mind and Body are one integrated system.

Thinking about how you feel every day without thinking about what you do every day is therefore misguided. To paraphrase da Vinci, sound mental health requires that we not just sit back and wait for things to happen to us, but that we go out and happen to things.

You need to take action now against your mental health struggles

Stressing out about the idea of
facing your troubles?

Don't worry, Seeking comfort is a basic human tendency.

Each of our journal was designed to help you improve gradually without creating another stress factor in your life.

It is your safe and private space where you can take the time to express yourself, manage your mental health and bathe in self-care.

Ready for the big list? Let's dive inside and see what is included:


Stop the negativity Self-Talk

I felt the same way years ago, and it wasn't pretty. It took me a while to learn to deal with my negative self-talk, but I did it.

I discovered a positive version of myself that I didn't even know existed. Now it's your turn:

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Cope With Grief

Finding our way through grief is hard work and if we put it off, unfortunately, it will sit there waiting to be done.

If you feel lost and don't know how to show up for this situation, which is totally normal by the way, try journaling. It helps us to express what we are feeling, which in turn helps us heal ourselves.

This is not about forgetting the person you lost. After all, whom you become after the loss is also because of that person

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Feel in control of your thoughts

Have you ever had worrying thoughts running through your mind repeatedly to the point where it's hard to focus and impossible to see the positive side of any situation? It's exhausting and frustrating, right?

This workbook will guide you through this process. It will empower you with the right tools and you will feel prepared to deal with any anxiety trigger.

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Learn to prioritize time for yourself
Self care

Do you forget to take care of yourself? And when you remember, do you feel guilty about it? I've been there.

But honestly, when we are running around and feeling tired, lost, or anxious, the healthiest thing we can do is to STOP and consider how we can take care of ourselves.

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Feel confident in yourself
Self Doubt

There are enough people telling us that we can't do it. Why do we say the same to ourselves?

Our thoughts about ourselves directly influence our confidence and, consequently, our actions. We need to use this to our advantage.

We need to learn to deal with our limiting beliefs, face our fears and build confidence in ourselves. And that's exactly what this journal will help you do. Are you ready?

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Learn to forgive others and yourself

Is there anyone you feel you need to forgive?

This journal will help you look within and let go of resentment. Heal or release your relationship with the person you have in mind and move on with your life.

What if the person you need to forgive is yourself?

The self-forgiveness section of this journal will help you release any guilt you feel and be at peace with what happened.

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Inner Child

Discover and heal your childhood wounds
Inner Child

Are you aware of your inner child's wounds? Do you know how each one is affecting you as an adult? All of us have inner child wounds. They were caused by big or little traumatic experiences during our childhood.

Now we invalidate and downplay these negative experiences because we are looking back with adult eyes. But the truth is that these wounds BLOCK AWAY PART OF OUR AUTHENTIC SELF and completely influence the way we see and live our lives.

You will discover the reasons for your adult fears, phobias, and life patterns, and begin to understand yourself better.

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Absent Parents

Overcome Emotional Neglect
Absent Parents

Do you feel that one or both of your parents were absent? Were they there physically but not emotionally as you needed, or were they not there at all?

Growing up in an emotionally neglectful environment may be the reason you are too hard on yourself, lack self-esteem, isolate yourself, or have difficult adult relationships.

But the good news is that you can change your reality.

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Every woman knows her Best Possible Self, but getting there is HARD

There is no better time than the present to commit to caring for yourself in the best way you possibly can.

You just need to take a deep breath and let yourself be guided on the Road to Empowerment.

Our therapy journals start with a reflection on your journey and how you feel right now and then helps you move forward in the right direction.

You owe it to yourself to become everything you've ever dreamed of being šŸŒ¹

Get your Therapy Journals Now!

Life Reset

Reset your life and start a new chapter
Life Reset

Are you happy or just comfortable? Or none of the options?

If you feel like you're stuck in a rut or you're just not happy with the way things are going, you might want to shake things up.

Hitting the reset button might seem too complicated, but this journal simplifies the process.

It starts with a reflection on your journey and how you feel right now and then helps you move forward in the right direction.

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Discover and love your true self
Self Discovery

Are you happy or just comfortable? Or none of the options?

If you feel like you're stuck in a rut or you're just not happy with the way things are going, you might want to shake things up.

Hitting the reset button might seem too complicated, but this journal simplifies the process.

It starts with a reflection on your journey and how you feel right now and then helps you move forward in the right direction.

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Life Purpose

Find Your Purpose in Life
Life Purpose

If you are asking yourself what your life purpose is, this journal will help you get a sense of direction.

Often we hear the advice "follow your passions" and is a good point to start but there is more than that. Much more.

When we feel lost we have an opportunity to rediscover ourselves. Use this journal to discover how you can use your uniqueness to contribute to this world and live a more meaningful life.

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Body Image

Feel confident in your skin
Body Image

Don't ever say to yourself again that you hate your body, that you feel ashamed of your body, and that you're not good enough because of the way you look.

YOU CAN stop feeling like your body is "broken" and start doing all the things you'd like to do and haven't done yet because of the way you look.

I know it's not easy to change this feeling (I have been there too!), but I also know that it's possible and this journal will guide you in the process. You will reflect on your own limiting beliefs and discover which strategies work best for you. And not only that.

You will also learn how to SUPPORT ALL THE WOMEN AROUND YOU on their own journey to body acceptance. Your girlfriends, your sisters, your daughters...

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Weight Loss

Make peace with food
Weight Loss

We overeat because we are afraid to feel our emotions.

Let's get real. Do you see food as an enemy? Are you struggling with emotional eating? Are you holding yourself back because of the way you look?

It's time to identify your automatic mode and shift to a mindset that benefits you.

You can learn to deal with what you are feeling without using food as a coping mechanism and this journal can help you with that.

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Feel aligned with your wellness practices

For a long time, I lived in that cycle of trying to implement a sleep routine and quitting a few days later, trying to implement an exercise routine, and quitting a few days later, starting over and quitting again. It was exhausting.

It was when I connected with myself that I found what worked for me and felt finally in control of my well-being. Now itā€™s time to find whatā€™s work for you:

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Daily planner & Weekly Planner

Be productive without sacrificing your well-being

You know that moment when you realize you did almost nothing at the end of the day and you feel super frustrated or maybe you completed your to-do list but completely forgot to take care of yourself.

And then, those thoughts come to your mind "I wish I had more balance in my life", "I wish I was more organized", "I wish I was more disciplined"...

It doesn't have to be that way.

We can combine our obligations with taking care of ourselves and this daily planner will help you with that.

Create your weekly game plan and feel less stressed as you start each week


These journals will give you clear, actionable steps that will:

  • Heal, release, and shift your mindset
  • Take your mental and physical health to the next level without the usual stress.
  • Improve the way you feel
  • Live the life of your dreams

Each workbook was designed to help you improve gradually without creating another stress factor in your life.

Grab a pen, sit comfortably and let a new chapter in your life begin.

Get your Therapy Journals Now!

4.9 based on 2340 reviews


More than 23 Support groups and Therapists are already using our journals in their therapy sessions.


4.9 Ā· Oct 5, 2021

Layout is lovely. Spelling and punctuation is A1 and the themes are relevant. These journals would be a good accompaniment to a class too. Keep the good work! šŸ‘

Sorcha C.

Artist & Author

Why should you trust me?

7 years ago, I was diagnosed with clinical depression and ADHD. This was affecting my personal and professional life, my body, mind, and soul. When I started therapy, one of the most powerful tools I relied on - and still do- is journaling.

Iā€™ve experimented with different types of journals throughout the years and finally found the best format for me 2 years ago. It has helped me tremendously in finding myself and creating more balance in my daily life. At first, Nyurish was just something I shared with my close friends and family. I didnā€™t expect all the positive feedback they gave me on it.

Iā€™m incredibly happy to say that our therapy journal helped over 5000 women all over the world lead better lives. All of them wanted to get in control of themselves but had many obstacles along the way.

My job is to make it easier for you! However, i'm here to support you!

ā€œAlright, Iā€™m sold ā€” how does this work?ā€

  • 1 Buy the All-in-one Therapy Journal.
  • 2 Grab a pen, sit comfortably and let a new chapter in your life begin.
  • 3 Combine your obligations with taking care of yourself
  • 4 Track your progress

Mental health is not a luxury, but a necessity

Get your Therapy Journals Pack NOW!


ā€œthe All-in-one journal pack you'll ever need to empower yourselfā€



$24.98 83% OFF - But only TODAY, TUESDAY

Get the All-in-one Therapy Journals pack designed for women's mental health struggles:

  • Negativity (24 pages)
  • Grief (17 pages)
  • Wellness (20 pages)
  • Self-Care (17 pages)
  • Self-Doubt (18 pages)
  • Anxiety (19 pages)
  • Forgiveness (18 pages)
  • Inner Child (14 pages)
  • Absent Parents (14 pages)
  • Life Reset (16 pages)
  • Self-Discovery (18 pages)
  • Life Purpose (20 pages)
  • Self-Discovery (18 pages)
  • Body Image (17 pages)
  • Weight Loss (26 pages)
  • FREE BONUSDaily & Weekly Planners (36 pages)

Included: 294 total pages to empower yourself

Delivered: Immediately

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Got some remaining questions?

Thatā€™s completely normal. šŸ˜ƒ

Hell, Iā€™ll usually check 15 reviews before ordering a $200 espresso machine. You probably do, too.

Thatā€™s why I put together a list of common questions and answers that will help you get started.

I'm a therapist, Can i use your journal? 1/4

A: You can absolutely reprint these journals and use them with your clients. When I say in my policy that you can not redistribute them, I'm referring to reselling them for profits or promote them as products you made yourself which is prohibited. As long as the credits are given to this store you can share them with your clients. Thank you for helping my work reach even more people

How can i download these? 2/4

A: You can download your files once your payment is confirmed. After your purchase youā€™ll see a 'View your order' link which goes to the downloads page. If you missed it click here to view your order details. Then click 'Download' to see the list of files attached to your order. You'll find a link to download your files in the receipt email that was sent to you after your purchase.

Can the Therapy Journal replace therapy? 3/4

A: No. Therapy is a base, the Therapy Journal is a tool. They complement each other. If your struggles are hindering your daily life, please seek professional help. It will be very helpful. You are worthy!

Iā€™ve still got some questions... 4/4

A: Well, let me take care of that! Simply Contact us and Iā€™ll be happy to answer any of your questions.

And if youā€™re all caught-upā€¦

Itā€™s time for you to empower yourself

Get your Therapy Journals now!

4.9 based on 2340 reviews

More than 23 Support groups and Therapists are already using our journals in their therapy sessions.

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